Here you can find all the
documentation related to
València 2030 Urban Strategy
Diagnostic document of the urban reality of the city of València, identifying the main challenges of the city based on a comprehensive analysis of the sectorial strategies of the city and the descriptive data defined by the Spanish Urban Agenda.
Document that includes the desired vision of the sustainable development of València in the 2030 horizon based on the definition of strategic lines of action that will transform the city.
Document in the form of an action plan that responds to the strategic lines defined in the Strategic Framework. Under the concept of Programme, this Action Plan brings together the battery of strategic projects and demonstrators projects of the city in the short, medium and long term.
This document configures the different levels and spaces for the consensual deployment of the Strategy.
Monitoring and Evaluation Indicator System
Document that articules the set of indicators that should enable the monitoring and evaluation of València 2030 Urban Strategy.
Compilation of graphic and audiovisual material of the entire construction process of València 2030 Urban Strategy.